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So far nelson has created 475 blog entries.

Solutions for a q-generalized Schrödinger equation of entangled interacting particles

Luiz G. de Andrade Alves, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Maike A. Faustino dos Santos, Renio S. Mendes e Ervin K. Lenzi

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications – Volume: 429; Pages: 35–44; DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2015.02.063

We report on the time dependent solutions of the qq-generalized Schrödinger equation proposed by Nobre et al. (2011). Here we investigate the case of […]

Structural, hyperfine and Raman properties of RE2FeSbO7 compounds

Graciele Berndt, Klebson L. Silva, Flávio F. Ivashita, Andrea Paesano Jr., Maria C. Blanco, Elisa V. P. Miner, Raul E. Carbonio, Saulo M. Dantas, Alejandro P. Ayala, Maurice O. Isnard

Journal of Alloys and Compounds – Volume: 618; Pages: 635–642; DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.08.068

Pyrochlores of the RE2FeSbO7 type were synthesized by ball-milling followed by annealing in free atmosphere at […]


Processo 4650/2010-PRO/UEM. PRONEX/Fundação Araucária (Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência) – Chamada de Projetos 12/2009 – protocolo 17.398-FA, suplementar à proposta aprovada no Edital 08/2007 – protocolo 12.635. Valor aprovado pela FA: R$ 499.000,00.

Responsáveis na UEM – Prof. Dr. Mauro Luciano Baesso (Coordenador) e na UNICENTRO/Guarapuava – Prof. Dr. Pedro Pablo G. Borrero.

O objetivo […]

Unusual diffusing regimes caused by different adsorbing surfaces

Veridiana G. Guimarães, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Quan Li, Luiz R. Evangelista, Ervin K. Lenzi e Rafael S. Zola

Soft Matter – Volume: 11; Issue: 9; Pages: 1658-1666; DOI: 10.1039/C5SM00151J

A confined liquid with dispersed neutral particles is theoretically studied when the limiting surfaces present different dynamics for the adsorption–desorption phenomena. The investigation considers different non-singular kernels in the […]

We need more empirical investigations and model validation for a better understanding of crime: comment on “Statistical physics of crime: a review” by M.R. D’Orsogna and M. Perc

Haroldo V. Ribeiro

Physics of Life Reviews – Volume: 12; Pages: 36-37; DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2015.01.010

Since the seminal works of Wilson and Kelling in 1982, the “broken windows theory” seems to have been widely accepted among the criminologists and, in fact, empirical findings actually point out that criminals tend to return to previously visited locations. Crime has always […]

Perspectivas em História da Física – Da Física dos Gases à Mecânica Estatística

Luiz Roberto Evangelista

Volume 2, Editora Livraria da Física, 340 páginas, Edição 2015

Este segundo volume continua os desenvolvimentos apresentados em Perspectivas em História da Física – volume 1 – dos Babilônios à Síntese Newtoniana.
O texto parte dos rudimentos da física dos gases e passa pela consolidação das bases da teoria atômica e a construção da tabela […]

Orientação Molecular em Cristais Líquidos e Fenômenos de Adsorção e Difusão em Células Eletrolíticas

Início: 10/01/2015

Equipe: Luiz Roberto Evangelista (coordenador)

Processo nº 215/2015 – PRO/UEM. Nossa atividade de pesquisa tem-se concentrado na análise de problemas ligados à orientação molecular de equilíbrio em cristais líquidos nemáticos. Efeitos de superfície ocupam um lugar central nessa problemática. Boa parte de nossos esforços investigativos vem sendo dedicada a esses efeitos no contexto geral dos […]

A framework to investigate the immittance responses for finite length-situations: fractional diffusion equation, reaction term, and boundary conditions

Ervin K. Lenzi, Marcelo K. Lenzi, Fernanda R. G. B. Silva, Giane Gonçalves, Roberto Rossato, Rafael S. Zola e Luiz R. Evangelista

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry – Volume: 712; Pages:82-88; DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2013.10.026

The Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) diffusional model for the immittance or impedance spectroscopy response of an electrolytic cell in a finite-length situation is extended to a general framework. […]

A phenomenological model for ferroelectric domain walls and its implications for BiFeO3–PbTiO3 multiferroic compounds

Valdirlei F. Freitas, Otávio A. Protzek, Luciano A. Montoro, André M. Gonçalves, Ducinei Garcia, José A. Eiras, Ruyan Guo, Amar S. Bhalla, Luiz F. Cótica e Ivair A. Santos

Journal of Materials Chemistry C – Issue: 2; Pages: 364-372; DOI: 10.1039/C3TC31672F

Multiferroics are an important family of materials with special properties suitable for applications in advanced technological devices. […]

Adsorption–desorption phenomena and diffusion of neutral particles in the hyperbolic regime

A Sapora, M Codegone, Giovani Barbero e Luiz R. Evangelista

Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Print) – Volume: 47; Number: 1; Page: 015002; DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/47/1/015002

The adsorption phenomenon of neutral particles from the limiting surfaces of the sample in the Langmuir approximation is investigated. The diffusion equation regulating the redistribution of particles in the bulk is assumed […]